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Instructora fitness asegura que no existe el cuerpo perfecto y publica foto de cómo se ve el "99% del tiempo"

La reconocida deportista Anna Victoria, compartió la imagen en su cuenta de Instagram y ya ha obtenido más de 312 mil "me gusta". TVN

Jueves 19 de enero de 2017

Anna Victoria se ha convertido en una de las instructoras fitnnes más seguidas de Instagram.

Son más de 1,2 millones de personas las que se han motivada a seguir sus rutinas de ejercicio, las que en su mayoría no requieren de gimnasio y se pueden hacer en la comodidad del hogar.

A través de sus fotos y clips, muestra parte de su programa Fit Body Guides, un plan de entrenamiento y alimentación de 12 semanas.

FBG Video requests from a few of you ☺ part two coming tomorrow! Pop Squats from FBG Round 1: bring your feet together and hop back down into a squat. You can keep your arms up the whole time like I am (helps with keeping your chest up and back straight) or you can bring them down to your side when you hop, then bring them up when you do the squat (as is shown in the FBG guide) Squat + Pivot lunge from FBG Round 2: notice my back foot when lunging pivots, so I don't lift it from the ground. My front foot however I do lift in case I need to widen my lunge to ensure my front knee doesn't pass my front toe Downward Dog Push-Up from FBG Round 2: Place your hands at about shoulder width apart for when you push yourself into a downward dog from a lowered push-up position. You don't want your hands wider than shoulder width because this can place extra stress on your shoulders. Also, when pushing yourself to a downward dog, you should be using your core and pushing your hips back, not pushing with your arms although you will feel it in your triceps #fitbodyguide

Un vídeo publicado por Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) el

FBG video requests from you girls Pt 2! ☺ Rolling V-Sit: start with your knees bent and your arms next to your ears but *not* behind them pulling on your neck so you don't strain it, they shouldn't even be touching your neck. Start with your elbows tucked into your body and as you roll up, open your elbows and extend your legs out with knees straight. Hold this position for a brief second then slowly roll back to the starting position. If you notice, the third rep I hold the position a second longer because I didn't have my balance yet. Stabilize yourself to make sure you have control of your body and core before you return to the ground. Knee Tuck Jumps: Admittedly I'm not the best at these, they're not easy so if you're not great at them either, that's ok! Practice makes perfect and you can work your way up to the full movement. To perform, squat down then immediately jump up as high as you can, pulling your knees as high as you can into your chest and land back in a squat. This move is not recommended if you have knee or back trouble. For modifications, stand and fold your arms in front of you or simply put each hand out in front of you and bring each knee up one at a time, as fast as you can. One Arm Dumbbell Row (on a bench): put your left knee on the bench and your right foot a bit behind you and to the side for stabilization. Your knee should be slightly bent so you don't lock your knee out. Bring the dumbbell up to your torso and drop it straight back down, keeping your chest up throughout. At the peak of the movement, squeeze your back muscles together. This is actually one of my favorite ab workouts too - squeeze your core during this move for an insanely good ab workout. One Arm Dumbbell Row (leaning, no bench): A bench or a chair is preferred but if you don't have either, you can do these with staggered feet and leaning slightly forward. These will work your ability to balance as well which is a plus don't forget to squeeze your back muscles at the peak! #fitbodyguide #checkoutthatscreencap

Un vídeo publicado por Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) el


Pero además de acercar el deporte a la simplicidad de los elementos de una casa, Anna suele enviar un mensaje de aceptación del propio cuerpo, con todo lo que ello implica: celulitis, estrías o "los rollitos de más".

Esta vez la entrenadora compartió una foto de cómo se ve su cuerpo "el 99% del tiempo".

Me 1% of the time vs. 99% of the time. And I love both photos equally. Good or bad angles don't change your worth ❤ I recently came across an article talking about how one woman stated she refuses to accept her flaws, because she doesn't see them as flaws at all. I LOVED that because it sends such a powerful message that our belly rolls, cellulite, stretch marks are nothing to apologize for, to be ashamed of, or to be obsessed with getting rid of! As I'm getting older, I have cellulite and stretch marks that aren't going away, and I welcome them. They represent a life fully lived (for 28 years so far :)) and a healthy life and body at that. How can I be mad at my body for perfectly normal "flaws"? This body is strong, can run miles, can lift and squat and push and pull weight around, and it's happy not just because of how it looks, but because of how it feels. So when you approach your journey, I want you to remember these things: I will not punish my body I will fuel it I will challenge it AND I will love it If you're following my page, you're a part of helping me spread this message and creating this movement - thank you. #fbggirls

Una foto publicada por Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) el

"Yo 1% del tiempo frente al 99% del tiempo. Y amo ambas fotos igualmente. Los ángulos buenos o malos no cambian su valor. Recientemente me he encontrado con un artículo hablando de cómo una mujer declaró que se niega a aceptar sus defectos, porque no los ve como defectos en absoluto. Me encantó que porque envía un mensaje tan poderoso que nuestro vientre con rollos, celulitis, estrías no son algo para pedir disculpas, para estar avergonzado, o de estar obsesionado con deshacerse de ellos! A medida que estoy envejeciendo, tengo celulitis y estrías que no desaparecen, y les doy la bienvenida. Ellos representan una vida completamente vivida (por 28 años hasta el momento :)) y una vida sana. ¿Cómo puedo estar enojado con mi cuerpo por "defectos" perfectamente normales? Este cuerpo es fuerte, puede correr millas, puede levantar y agacharse y empujar y tirar peso alrededor, y es feliz no sólo por la forma en que se ve, sino por cómo se siente. Así que cuando te acerques a tu desafío, quiero que recuerdes estas cosas: no voy a castigar mi cuerpo, yo lo lleno de combustible, lo desafiaré y me encantará", escribió en su red social.

Su foto ha obtenido más de 312 mil "me gusta" y cerca de 10 mil comentarios agradeciendo su forma de motivar a quienes desean tonificar su cuerpo.