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En la pequeña ciudad de Norwalk, Ohio, ICE realizó una de las redadas más grandes que ha perpetrado en lugares de trabajo donde emplean inmigrantes indocumentados. Carmen cuenta la historia de cómo su hija y varios de sus vecinos cayeron presos la mañana del 5 de junio de 2018.

Miércoles 11 de julio de 2018

Error: (org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing [/template/widgets/nextstorycontent/view/static.jsp] at line [21]18: 19: <%-- declare the map that contains field values--%>20: 21: <% try { %><% } catch (Exception e) { %> Error: (<%=e %>)<% } %>22: 23: 24: Stacktrace:)
Error: (org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing [/template/widgets/nextstorycontent/view/static.jsp] at line [21]18: 19: <%-- declare the map that contains field values--%>20: 21: <% try { %><% } catch (Exception e) { %> Error: (<%=e %>)<% } %>22: 23: 24: Stacktrace:)Error: (org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing [/template/widgets/nextstorycontent/view/static.jsp] at line [21]18: 19: <%-- declare the map that contains field values--%>20: 21: <% try { %><% } catch (Exception e) { %> Error: (<%=e %>)<% } %>22: 23: 24: Stacktrace:)
Error: (org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing [/template/widgets/nextstorycontent/view/static.jsp] at line [21]18: 19: <%-- declare the map that contains field values--%>20: 21: <% try { %><% } catch (Exception e) { %> Error: (<%=e %>)<% } %>22: 23: 24: Stacktrace:)
Error: (org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing [/template/widgets/nextstorycontent/view/static.jsp] at line [21]18: 19: <%-- declare the map that contains field values--%>20: 21: <% try { %><% } catch (Exception e) { %> Error: (<%=e %>)<% } %>22: 23: 24: Stacktrace:)