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El impresionante cambio de una joven que bajó más de 80 kilos después de pensar que moriría

Alysha tenía una adicción tan grande a la chatarra que podría pasar por cinco locales de comida rápida sólo para completar un almuerzo. Tvn

© Instagram @goldcorosefitness

Miércoles 6 de febrero de 2019

Una joven ha llamado la atención en redes sociales al compartir su historia y mostrar su increíble cambió en Instagram tras bajar más de 80 kilos.

Alysha McNair es una joven de 21 años que llegó a pesar más de 170 kilos producto de una adicción desmedida a la comida, llegando a consumir el doble de las calorías que debe ingerir una mujer (2.000) en sólo una comida.

Esta situación la llevó a comer cada vez más, al punto de que para completar una de sus comidas podía recorrer hasta cinco locales de chatarra.

Así Alysha comenzó a ser acosada en la escuela, donde constantemente se burlaban de su peso y de su cuerpo.

Pero todo terminó cuando la joven de British Columbia, Canadá, se dio cuenta que si seguía de esa manera iba a morir, por lo que tomo conciencia y decidió cambiar por completo su estilo de vida.

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Photo on the left was me at 3 am climbing my first mountain in lake country, I remember how heavy my legs felt, I remember my mind was so powerful I couldn’t stop going I just wanted it so bad and I knew I had to prove to myself that I could do it, I remember telling everyone that I was going to do it and I never did it until one morning I said enough, is enough I drove myself to the bottom of the mountain and hiked my way through the residential at Spion and climbed into the forest. I was determined to never give up my legs felt so heavy but I remember not stopping, it today on the right is me taking a leap, and jump off a cliff into the next chapter of my life giving 110% and never giving up. I’ve noticed throughout my journey, the more you change and self develop the more you have to focus on yourself and what’s best for you even if it means ending relations. I only want positive energy around me, and I’m happy everyday and I refuse to have anything get in my way of my new goals I will be number 1 in everything I do because it’s what I want for myself and I will do whatever it takes to get myself there. I was sad and depressed a couple of months ago and then I made one change and it was changed my life forever, I also found a way to help people become happier, healthier, wealthier, and live there best lives. I’ve found a way to help people lose weight without going through all the hard times I went through and I did it all completely on my own, I taught myself makeup, I taught myself meal prep, I taught myself happiness. I taught myself to fight and I have found something that helps bring motivation to people, and helps them be happy and dedicated that gives them the will and want to keep going. I’m so grateful for it, and I use it everyday and will never go a day without it now. Was the best investment in myself I’ve ever made and I can’t wait to help show others what it’s like to truly be as happy and motivated as myself and help them with there weight loss. If you ever want to know what it is, message me. Because I promise you, you will never regret it I was so skeptical until I saw it change my moms life. Here’s to be happy for the rest of my life

Una publicación compartida de Alysha Hope McNair (@goldcorosefitness) el


Alysha abandonó la comida chatarra por completo y se inscribió en un gimnasio donde entrenó a diario.

"Fui adicta a comer rápida y, a menudo, visitaba cinco restaurantes diferentes solo para completar una comida", reveló McNair a Mirror y agregó "Pero después de ahogarme un día con una bebida gaseosa a los 17 años y esforzarme por recuperar el aliento, me di cuenta de que era una muerte o un cambio".

Según contó Alysha cuando llegó a su peso máximo (171,4 kilos) se sentía tan avergonzada de su cuerpo que ni siquiera salía a la calle. "Pasé cuatro horas maquillándome para intentar sentirme mejor conmigo mismo, pero nada funcionó", contó.

Tras el esfuerzo la joven logró perder más de 80 kilos. "Nunca me he sentido más increíble y ahora tengo un vestido de talla 14".

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CHANGE YOUR LIFE! You want something work for it, you didn’t get to where you are over tonight, it isn’t going to change over tonight but it will change if you stay consistent and not give up. Everyone always asks how did I get to where I did. Hard work. Dedication and time. Everything takes time! I have faith that everyone can do it, if I could do it. Anyone can, I wasn’t supposed to live this long I was so over weight that I could have died if my health was bad but shockingly it was always “healthy” when it came to doctors tests even they were shocked. Everyday feels like a dream and you can achieve this feeling. In order to that though, you need to want it bad enough. You need to be willing to do whatever it takes to change your life. MANIFEST your future. If you can’t vision it, how are you supposed to achieve it! So go vision it today, go chase your dreams! You’re worth it, go be happy! Feel motivate and NEVER give up. I fell back so many times through this journey the reason why I got this far is because I never gave up. It didn’t matter how many people told me I wouldn’t make it this far I kept going, and now people tell me I won’t make it further I’m going to make them eat there own words, because I KNOW I will make it. And I know my team will too. That’s what separates me from what my haters say to what I know. Is I’m insane enough to make every dream of mine come true, the question you need to ask yourself is are you? How bad do you want it? If you want it bad enough. Then let’s go kill it. 2019 it’s our year! Love yourself beautifuls. Have a go-getter mind set, not a I can’t mind set. I “can’t” doesn’t exist in your vocabulary anymore take it away. You CAN and you WILL are going to be your power words to yourself. I love you all have a wonderful day ✨ here’s a little bit of motivation for you guys. From 16/17 - 21

Una publicación compartida de Alysha Hope McNair (@goldcorosefitness) el


Cuando la joven se dio cuenta que estaba experimentando cambios en su cuerpo comenzó a documentarlo y compartirlo en redes sociales como una manera de inspirar a otros.

"Fue desalentador subir fotos de mí mismo con el estómago hacia fuera, pero sentí que era necesario ver hasta dónde había llegado", afirmó.

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Flash back Friday, it takes a lot to post this one because of now my extra skin vs my fat. But I’m learning to love myself each and every day. I woke up at new low! 215.6 my god. I can’t believe my dreams are becoming a reality and I’m working out, eating right. Still enjoying life it’s been beautiful. From 373 pounds to 215.6 with having gained 30 pounds of muscle through all of this and still gaining. I’m excited to see what the new year brings, I’m almost 21✨ it’s insane! My birthday is December 12th, my goal is to be in the single digits of the 200’s by my birthday and hopefully in the 100’s or at least close by New Year’s Day. My goals are in motion and im not going to quit or give up. I am the only one who can change my future and I refuse to stop, even when I get to the top I’m going to keep going and find new goals, new dreams, new journeys. I love you all so much have a wonderful weekend

Una publicación compartida de Alysha Hope McNair (@goldcorosefitness) el


"Quiero que otras personas del mismo tamaño que yo se den cuenta de que perder peso siempre es posible", expresó y concluyó "Me siento y parezco diferente ahora y he decidido convertirme en entrenador personal para ayudar a otros".

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I can’t believe how happy I am every single day, I worked hard for the life I had today. I never thought I would get to this point in my life, I always wanted. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I dreamed it and manifested into my life. Saw this as my future and knew I had to make it happen. I stuck it out when I failed, I knew that if I just gave up I wouldn’t get there. A few days ago something insane changed my life. cannot get over how exciting this is for me. Thank you all for your support and love. My next step is to help everyone accomplish there dreams whatever it may be. I lost 185 pounds struggling the hard way, doing self development, working in every way to gain knowledge. There was depressing times and happy times. I have found something has helped assist my friends and family. It has helped them lose weight easier then I did without having the put in as much of the hard times as I did, it’s helped elevate there moods, making them happy, confident, gives them the motivation when they don’t have. It’s helped some lose 50 pounds some lose 20. It’s helped with cravings and stoped them from over eating. If this sounds like something that can help you let me know ! My goal is to help everyone live healthier, happier lifestyles! also what kind of posts would you guys like to see me post! I want to know comment them below Have a wonderful day everyone

Una publicación compartida de Alysha Hope McNair (@goldcorosefitness) el